Here comes my baby

We thought we had another week... well we didn't. Seems baby Campbell 2.0 had another idea on April 26th. Heidi headed out to her 39 week doctor appointment with nothing new to report to her midwives. No contractions, barely any Braxton hicks, this baby felt like it was in it for the long haul, just like their sister. We all assumed it would be well after the 2nd that this baby would show up. 

 Comparison of 39 weeks with baby Campbell 2.0 and Willie in 2015 

 Willie and Matt at the sibling class at the hospital, we went to 3 days before Bo arrived. Barely made it! 

Heidi went out for a walk, as she had been trying to do daily to keep her mind at ease as she waited for the babies arrival. Typically calling her mom for a quick check in, "No baby today mom" was the constant conversation. When she got back though, things started to feel a bit off. Matt happened to be home that day as they got the AC fixed in the attic and thankfully fix the hallway bathroom. Heidi mentioned a few times she was feeling a bit crampy, but probably nothing and just went along the day as usual. After the previous experience with Willie that lasted days, not hours, no one wanted to jump the gun. 

Heidi left to pick up Willie at school, ignoring the somewhat uncomfortable contractions...thinking if I just keep moving they will surely go away! The whole family headed over to a friends house for dinner. Ignoring the early signs of labor. They all joked about carb loading for the big event, just in case it really was happening and laughed as Willie and her neighborhood BFF, Esther, played and giggled the night away. 

A few photos of Willie before she became a big sister 

 The morning before Bo was born 
 Weekend before she became a big sister - hanging the front porch eating a sandwich while Mom and dad did yard work
Keeping it classy at church on Easter 

After they got home, put Willie to sleep (who was being out of character nice and lovie on the baby belly...she must have known!) it became a bit clearer, that this might be the big event. Heidi finally called it quits on ignoring the signs and decided to call off work for the day. Basically spending most the night in the bath and the morning on the couch trying to pretend like maybe this was still just false labor. Matt took Willie to school and returned home to help start timing contractions. 

Around 11am we reached out to our doula Heidi to talk through next steps, and boom laboring Heidi's water broke and things kicked into high gear. Heidi (the doula) and Jamie our midwife said it might be best to head on into the hospital. In typical Morgantown traffic, a drive that should take about 5 minutes took 20 minutes. Matt cursing the whole way, and Heidi trying to calmly listen to classical music and not mess up the rental car they had... because her car was in the shop. As we mentioned this baby was supposed to cook for at least another week. 

After a quick 20 minutes of monitoring at the hospital it was time to meet this baby. Five pushes later, lots of coaching and support... Baby Bo entered the world! 

We were shocked at the difference from Willie to Bo. Fully expecting a long day of more laboring at the hospital. Bo came into this world with a bang and we couldn't be happier! 


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